Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Stones Throw Away...

I love being close to my barn...

I've lived many distances from my horses, from having them right in my backyard (probably never again), to 17 miles away (DEFINITELY never again).

This is perfect.

I can go every day, and do. Sometimes I'm there 3x a day.

With a plan in place to move back home to Occupied Area IV next year, finding a residence and barn within close proximity of each other, is at the top of my priority list.

I've narrowed it down to a few choices in the northern suburbs...

Davenport Stables
Foxwood Farm
Grace Farms Minnesota.

 All have access to the park reserve (for hacks/trot sets/gallops) and all are Event friendly.

Of course, the prices almost made me choke on my Cherrios.

I guess that's one of the (few) benefits of living in Unoccupied Area IV.

But, if you want to go from this...

To this...

It's going to cost a few...

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