Update: Horse ownership in the North Dakota winter is no joke. Day after day of either bitter cold compiled with biting winds, or high 20's, sunny and a melting boot sucking mess. Add in a 50+ hour work week, and that's a North Dakota winter.
We've made it out into the field a few times, but nothing of significant progress. Most of our time is spent currying in the stall or our late night rendezvous in the indoor, to help reduce his time in the stall (he still dislikes spending the night inside.) Needless to say, both of us are looking forward to Spring and dry land!
Ahhh yes. North Dakota in the winter. I finally made it into town after being snowed in for a few days. My driveway, is filled with snow. I moved my truck to the end of the driveway so that I wouldn't be stuck for weeks at a time. Now is the fun task of finding someone with a tractor to come and bail me out. fun times in rural ND!